
GameFi cross-chain wallet for gamers

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Supported by

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agora digital identity background

Agora's gaming identity

enables users to conveniently make in-game transactions (both tokens & NFTs), incurring fewer gas fees and improving their overall user experience. Additionally, users can manage all of their gaming and trading activity in one place.

dogami game

Mass market unified entry with Metamask

Access games across multiple chains using the MetaMask SDK and trade tokens in-game through the Agora DEX. Experience the thriving world of blockchain gaming, with over 1 million daily users engaging in Web3 games and the ability to trade, swap, and manage NFTs and assets conveniently in a unified platform.

Mass market unified entry with Web3auth

Agora is blockchain agnostic, welcoming users from the Web3 ecosystem. It offers desktop and mobile compatibility, a wide range of login options, and supports existing wallet infrastructure with open-source audited code for added security and developer convenience.

nine chronicles
agora digital identity

Ultra Digital Identity

Ultra’s digital identity unifies a user’s identity across decentralized applications (dapps). Users can choose their uniq Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) as profile images, retaining ownership. Profile pictures are reset to a default image if users no longer possess the selected NFT.

Agora SDK

Agora's technology enables game integration through its SDK, ensuring compatibility with Metamask and Web3 Auth’s digital identities. This integration enables seamless in-game transactions and facilitates the trading of tokens earned in-game.

agora sdk

Identity powered by

powerful AI

AI enhances immersion and gaming experience. Advanced AI algorithms empower developers to create lifelike NPCs, dynamically responding to player actions for engaging gameplay. AI integrated with Web3 tech establishes player-owned economies, using smart contracts to ensure fair and transparent in-game transactions.

agora ai


What is Agora’s Digital Identity?

Agora’s digital identity is developed through our SDK - a software development kit that can be installed by game developers. The SDK technology integration with games allows seamless in-game transactions and facilitates the trading of tokens earned in-game.

How do you use it?

Once the games integrate Agora’s SDK, players/users will be able to create an identity within that game, which can be transferred to various other games that integrate Agora’s SDK technology.

agora dex

cross-chain dex

Enables efficient trading across multiple blockchains with low slippage, connecting the best games from various chains to provide users with a wide range of assets and a seamless trading experience.
